No Lone Ranger Will Do (Under the Banner of Christ, Part 4)

This post is part of a series talking about my new book, "Under the Banner of Christ with Benedict: Ancient Lessons in Christian Leadership for Times Like These"

(PART 4) Renewing Christian Community

The Individual Alone is Not Enough

But this is not only about strengthening the individual Christian alone or about the need to rethink how we approach leadership and the crises we are facing, but the simple fact that Christianity is by nature communitarian and ecclesial, not individualistic. The “Lone Ranger spiritual gunslinger for Jesus” fantasy is an ideal of modern individualism, but it is certainly not a Christian one. The true Christian hero—the saint—is inseparable from the Christian community of which they are a part, a member of the greater Body of Christ.

And so, if you haven’t yet picked up on it, let this be your call to action: you must seek out and cultivate new forms of living tangible, local Christian community, in- formed by the wisdom of the past. We must rethink how we approach Christian leadership, and focus on rebuilding living Christian communities. And this can happen only when men and women of good will like yourself take up the cross and contribute to the renewal of Christian leadership and rebuilding of authentic Christian communities. Let us be bold and follow where Christ our King is leading us and, following this way, we will come to the wellsprings of new and everlasting life.

Find the book here: "Under the Banner of Christ with Benedict: Ancient Lessons in Christian Leadership for Times Like These"

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